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6.1.3 - Prohibited Conduct

Generally, the imposition of discipline shall be limited to conduct that adversely affects the College community’s pursuit of its educational objectives, violates or shows disregard for the rights of individuals within the College community, or damages property.  College officials charged with enforcement of these regulations shall have the authority in execution of such enforcement duties, to perform such acts as are required to maintain the security, well-being, safety, or tranquility of the College community, its members, and its guests.  The following conduct is subject to disciplinary action:

  • Intentional disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings or other College or University activities.
  • Verbal or physical abuse of any person on University premises or at College or University-sponsored or College or University-supervised functions.
  • Failure to display professional behavior on University premises or at College or University-sponsored or College or University-supervised functions.
  • Failure to comply with lawful directions of University officials acting in performance of their duties.
  • Mis-use of University property to include but not be limited to university technology (computers, DE equipment), fire alarms, fire equipment, and elevators.
  • Destruction, unauthorized removal, theft, defacement of property, or possession of stolen property owned by the University, including trees and shrubbery, or property leased to or controlled by the University, such as art work or decorations, whether or not it occurs in conjunction with a prank or college rivalry here or on another campus.
  • Littering on University property.
  • Possession or use of firearms, fireworks, explosives, or incendiary devices of any description including air rifles and pistols, on the University campus.
  • Hazing or physical or mental harassment, in any form on or off the campus.
  • Unauthorized participation in, agitation for, or instigation of an activity that interferes with ingress or egress from University facilities; interrupts any activity of the University or College, including classes; damages property, or breaches the peace of the University community in its normal functioning.
  • The use, possession, sale, or distribution of controlled or illegal substances.
  • Defacement by writing, drawing, or marking of any kind upon any permanent interior or exterior wall or sign, or similar vertical surface, in any medium, including chalk, felt-marker, etc., or any writing, drawing, or marking of any kind in any permanent medium, such as paint, upon any sidewalk, mall, patio, terrace, or street, except as authorized.
  • Disturbance of the public peace.
  • Other conduct considered Academic Misconduct.

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